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Public Marine Environmental Information System




Nicaraguan Pacific



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Desarrollo e implementación de un Sistema Público de Información Ambiental Marino-Costera (SIPIAM) en Dominica y Nicaragua.

Por SCC Steiner y A Molina
SIPIAM briefly

What is SIPIAM?

The spanish acronym stands for Public Marine Environmental Information System. It is a compilation of data about coastal-marine habitats of Nicaragua. SIPIAM is presented as a website (www.itme.org/mhni) based on the observations of individuals and communities which depend on coastal (natural) resources, and on the field research carried out by scientists.

Who can benefit ?

SIPIAM is designed to offer "informative autonomy" to persons in different private, educational, and entrepreneurial sectors that are interested in the conservation of the natural coastal environment, and to those who depend on their natural resources. This includes, but is not limited to fishermen, students, guides, educators, park rangers, persons working on the sustainable use of natural resources and "aficionados" of Nicaragua's natural environments

What does it offer ?

public access to information about coastal-marine habitats, their resources and the conditions in which they are, reports and information sources

a tool to develop initiatives for the sustainable management of natural resources and independent environmental impact assessments

a tool (open source) to promote environmental awareness, develop educational programs and to guide future research

How was it developed ?

Through the systematic organization of environmental reports, the contributions by residents and professionals working in coastal zones, new ecological assessments, and the construction of a data base accessible via the Internet.

Proyect initiators in Nicaragua

Dr. S. Steiner initiated the project. He has worked in countries of the Caribbean and Central America since 1984 and developed a similar platform in Dominica. In Nicaragua he collaborates with professionals from national universities, primarily Univ. Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua (UNAN) León. Among these, Dr. A. Molina directs the execution of the project.

Participation and Links

Enter the portal and share the link
SIPIAM Nicaragua


Support and Publicity
If you or your organization/enterprisewould like to offer logistical or financial assassinate fro new environmental studies please contact info@itme.org; also to organize talks, public presentations or to participate in excursions.

Share environmental information
Your personal observations and reports on the environment are important. In order to have them included in the ITME/UNAN program, or if you wish to participate in the data collection, please contact info@itme.org

Also visit the Marine Habitats of Dominica site by ITME, which preceded SIPIAM-Nicaragua

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