Coastal Marine Environments of the MR El Pelado, Santa Elena, Ecuador |
Ambientes Marino-Costeros de la RM El Pelado, Santa Elena, Ecuador |
An initiative by SCC Steiner, SENESCYT, for CENAIM - ESPOL, Guayaquil, Ecuador |
Welcome |
This is a pilot version.
If this is your first visit, please view the background information first.
Esto es una versión piloto.
Si es su primera visita, por favor vea los antecedentes del proyecto.
Areas |
Substrate-Habitat Types |
work in progress
El Pelado Platform (EPP)
Coastal Zone (CS)
near Ayangue
You may use the cursor to select
additional information on the
EPP and CZ
from the image above.
EPP Balanus Zone
EPP Turf Zone
EPP Muricea Zone
CZ Zoantharia Zone
Background |
This site is based on a concept developed by S. Steiner in 2007 for compiling the "gist" on the distribution and condition or marine habitats in the Caribbean Island of Dominica, see www.itme.org/mhdm. A similar, albeit smaller, initiative was carried out in Nicaragua (www.itme.org/nicaragua) and named SIPIAM. Additional information on the concept are summarized in a report by Steiner and Molina 2012, that was presented at the I Congreso Iberoamericano de Gestión Integrada del Litoral GIAL) in Cádiz, Spain.
The site (www.itme.org/mhpeec) is part of a multi-tier and replicable model approach to documenting invertebrate communities in benthic marine habitats on the continental coast of Ecuador and to make the findings widely accessible. The model was also introduced during talks at the following institutions:
2016 Nov. PUCE Pontifica Universidad Catolicade Ecuador, Porto Viejo, III Congr. Mar. Biol. Env.
2016 Nov. ULVR Universidad Laica Vincente Rocafuerte, Guayaquil, INPIN III Investigacion para Inovacion
2016 Aug. ESPE Escuela Superior Politécnica del Ejercito, Salinas
2016 Jun. ULVR Universidad Laica Vincente Rocafuerte, Guayaquil
2016 Jun. UPS Universidad Politecnica Salesiana, Guayaquil
2016 Jun. UEES Universtidad Espiritu Santo, Guayaquil
2016 May and Jun. ESUNA Escuela Superior Naval, Salinas
2016 May
UPR Universidad de Costa Rica, San José
2015 Nov. PUCE Pontifica Universidad Catolica de Ecuador, Bahia de Caraquez, II Congr. Mar. Biol. Env.
Results of this process have been summarized in Steiner SCC, Lavorato A, & Rodriguez J (2016). A manual on documenting benthic invertebrate communities from rocky environments in the Marine Reserve El Pelado, Santa Elena, Ecuador. VIEW REPORT.
Contributors |
The persons who have contributed information to the development of this site are: Oscar Barrionuevo, Fernando Idrovo, Antonella Lavorato, Priscila Martinez, Fernando Rivera, Jorge Sonnenholzner, Sascha Steiner.
Fieldwork was carried out by S. Steiner (diver left) and A. Lavorato (diver right). Assistance in the field was also provided by Carlos Rodriguez. |
How to use this site |
The visitor can access a synthesis of our current understanding of the underwater seascape surrounding the Islote(Islet) El Pelado, by selecting one of three categories (above) on the current page. The categories are: (1) Areas, (2) Substrate-Habitat Types, or (3) Organisms. Each of the categories leads to additional subcategories, such as specific study areas and sites, different bilogical zones, and taxonomic groups respectively.
REFERENCING: If you wish to use or quote any information
provided within this web site, you are asked to provide a proper reference
and link as follows: "Steiner,
SCC (2016) Coastal Marine Environments of the MR El Pelado, Santa Elena, Ecuador (http:www.itme.org/mhec),
viewed dd-mm-yyyy." |
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