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 Reports, Contributions, Press Releases, Collaborations (CLICK ON LINKS for available pdf files)


Steiner SCC, Riegl B, Lozano P (2023) Habitat and population structure of rare and endemic Andean Espeletia pycnophylla subsp. llanganatensis (Asteraceae) in an Ecuadorian biodiversity hotspot. Folia Geobot. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12224-023-09431-8


Steiner SCC, Martínez P, Rivera F, Johnston B, Riegl B (2020) Octocoral populations and connectivity in continental Ecuador and Galápagos, Eastern Pacific. In Riegl B (Ed), Population Dynamics of the Reef Crisis. Adv Mar Biol 87: 411 – 431.


Riegl B, Johnston M, Bauman A, Howells E, Burt J, Purkis A, Steiner SCC, Sheppard CRC (2018) Population collapse dynamics in Acropora downingi, an ecosystem-engineering reef coral in the Persian/Arabian Gulf. Global Change in Biology 24: 2447.2468


Riegl B, Cavalcante G, Bauman A, Feary D, Steiner SCC, Burt J, Howells E, Purkis S (2017) Demographics of coral species winnowing with increasing habitat-marginality due to climate change. Front. Mar. Sci. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2017.00344


Kramer PR, Roth LM, Constantine S, Knowles J, Cross L, Steiner S. (2016) Dominica’s Coral Reef Report Card 2016. The Nature Conservancy.



VOL. 3

ITME Research Reports Vol 3. 2013 - 2018


Steiner SCC, Riegl B, Lavorato A, Rodriguez J (2018) Community structure of shallow water Alcyonacea (Anthozoa: Octocorallia) from the southern Tropical Eastern Pacific. Ecol. Res. 33: 457-469 doi: 10.1007/s11284-018-1567-3

34 Steiner SCC, Lavorato A, & Rodriguez J (2016) A manual on documenting benthic invertebrate communities from rocky environments in the Marine Reserve El Pelado, Santa Elena, Ecuador. ITME RR 34:1-62.. ALSO as  Steiner SCC, Lavorato A, & Rodriguez J (2018) Documenting benthic invertebrate communities from rocky environments in the REMAPE pp70.
33 Steiner SCC (2015) Coral Reefs of Dominica (Lesser Antilles). Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien, B, 177:47-119. ITME Research Reports 33
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32C Steiner SCC & Willette DA (2015) The expansion of Halophila stipulacea (Hydrocharitaceae, Angiospermae) is changing the seagrass landscape in the Commonwealth of Dominica, Lesser Antilles. Caribbean Naturalist 22:1-19. ITME Research Reports 32C

Steiner SCC & Willette DA (2014) Dimming sand halos around coral reefs in Dominica: New expansion corridors for the invasive seagrass Halophila stipulacea. ITME Research Reports 32B


Steiner SCC & Willette DA (2014) Supplemental Martial to: The invasive seagrass Halophila stipulacea (Hydrocharitaceae, Angiospermae) and its impact on the benthic landscape of Dominica, Lesser Antilles.


Steiner SCC & Willette DA (2013) The invasive seagrass Halophila stipulacea (Hydrocharitaceae, Angiospermae) and its impact on the benthic landscape of Dominica, Lesser Antilles. ITME Research Reports 32



 VOL. 2

ITME Research Reports Vol 2. 2006 - 2012

31 Steiner SCC & Molina A. (2012) Desarrollo e implementación de un Sistema Público de Información Ambiental Marino-Costera (SIPIAM) en Dominica y Nicaragua. ITME Research Reports 31:1-10
30A Steiner SCC (2012) A sketch of Arnfried Antonius (1934 - 2010). Rev Biol Trop 60(1):1-5
30B Steiner SCC (2012) Arnfried Antonius (1934 - 2010): una semblanza. Rev Biol Trop 60(1):7-11 (El articulo se encuentra en el mismo documento que la versión en inglés.)
29 Steiner SCC, Macfarlane KJ, Price LM, & Willette DA (2010) The distribution of seagrasses in Dominica, Lesser Antilles. ITME Research Reports 29. Rev Biol Trop 58(3): 89-98
28 Steiner SCC & Willette DA (2010) Distribution and size of benthic marine habitats in Dominica, Lesser Antilles. ITME Research Reports 28. Rev Biol Trop 58:589-602

Steiner SCC &  Willette DA (2009) The distribution and size of benthic marine habitats in Dominica, Lesser Antilles. SUPPLEMENT Habitat distribution maps (Figures 1-2), comparison of benthic composition by region (Figure 3) and sites (Figure 4).


Steiner SCC & Willette DA (2009) The distribution and size of benthic marine habitats in Dominica, Lesser Antilles. APPENDIX Benthic cover of habitat types by region.

27 Distribution and Abundance of selected marine organisms in Dominica, Lesser Antilles. ITME Research Reports 27(I-V):1-62
  Clermont A (2008) Distribution and abundance of selected Demospongiae in Dominica. ITME Research Reports 27:6-16
  Brewer R (2008) The distribution of selected Malacostraca of Dominica, Lesser Antilles. ITME Research Reports 27:17-30
  Chapman L (2008) Species richness and abundance of Bivalvia, Cephalopoda, Gastropoda and Polyplacophora in shallow near shore environments in Dominica, Lesser Antilles. ITME Research Reports 27:31-42
  Walchuk A (2008) Distribution and abundance of Echinodermata in shallow near shore environments in Dominica, Lesser Antilles. ITME Research Reports 27:43-51
  Ritzmann J (2008) Abundance and distribution of algal species on the island of Dominica, Lesser Antilles. ITME Research Reports 27: 52-62
26 Macfarlane K, Price L (2007) First large scale survey of marine habitat categories in Dominica. ITME Research Reports 26(I-II)
  Price L (2007) The distribution of benthic marine habitats in the central and southern regions of Dominica's west coast. ITME Research Reports 26: 5-30.
  Macfarlane K. (2007) Distribution of benthic marine habitats of Dominica in the northern region of the west coast of Dominica. ITME Research Reports 26: 31-49.
25 Steiner SCC & Kerr JM (2008) Stony corals in Dominica during the 2005 bleaching episode and one year later. ITME Research Reports 25. Rev. Biol. Trop. Vol. 56(suppl.1): 139-148
24 Davis C, Laffan S, Sabattis J, Weems J (2006) Atlantic and Gulf Rapid Reed Assessment (AGRRA) protocol v.4:0, October - November 2006: Quantifying the Impact of the 2005 Bleaching Episode in Dominica. ITME Research Reports 24(I-IV):1-40
  Sabattis J (2005) Stony coral and hydrocoral community structure assessment: One year after the 2005 bleaching episode in Dominica, West Indies. ITME Research Reports 24:3-11
  Weems J D (2006) Assessment of mortality, bleaching, and disease among stony corals and fire corals of Dominican Reefs: Post-2005 Caribbean Bleaching Event. ITME Research Reports 24:12-21
  Davis C (2006) Coral recruitment on Dominican reefs: One year after the 2005 bleaching event. ITME Research Reports 24: 22-29
  Laffan S (2006) Atlantic and Gulf Rapid Reef Assessment (AGRRA) of Diadema antillarum density and macroalgal height: Post 2005 bleaching event. ITME Research Reports 24: 30-41.
24A Miscellaneous Selected Press Releases 2006


1) ITME (2006) What's new in Dominica's Environmental Sciences. D-ECO #2 2006


2) ITME (2006) Global Warming - How does it affect Dominica's coral reefs? DECO # 3 2006

 VOL. 1

ITME Research Reports Vol 1. 1999 - 2005


Byrd K, Jordan M, Klarman, M, Lowe A, McNeal J, Wallover N, Zuercher R (2005) Atlantic and Gulf Rapid Reed Assessment (AGRRA) protocol v.4:0: First Implementation in the Commonwealth of Dominica, October - November 2005. ITME Research Reports 23(I-VII):1-91


Jordan M (2005) Assessment of coral community structure in Dominica (Lesser Antilles). ITME Research Reports 23(I):5-16


Zuercher R (2005) Rapid assessment of stony coral community structure in Dominica, West Indies. ITME Research Reports 23(II):17-31


Wallover N (2005) Rapid benthic assessment of reefs in Dominica, West Indies. ITME Research Reports 23(III):32-42


McNeal J (2005) Atlantic and Gulf Rapid Reef Assessment (AGRRA) of Diadema antillarum, coral recruits and algal cover on Dominican reefs (Lesser Antilles). ITME Research Reports 23(IV):43-52


Byrd K (2005) Rapid assessment of shallow reefs in Dominica, Lesser Antilles. ITME Research Reports 23(V):53-63


Klarman M (2005) Abundance, size distribution and species richness of key reef fishes in Dominica. ITME Research Reports 23(VI):64-76


Lowe A (2005) A rapid assessment of coral reef fishes in Dominica, West Indies. ITME Research Reports 23(VII):77-91


Steiner SCC, Williams SM (2006) A recent increase in the density of the Echinoid Diadema antillarum in Dominica (Lesser Antilles): 2001-2005. ITME Research Reports 22. Rev. Biol. Trop. Vol 54(Suppl. 3):97-103.


Ishikawa M, Kerr J, Alfsnes K (2004) Preliminary surveys of northern reefs of Dominica, West Indies. ITME Research Reports 21(1-3)


Ishikawa M (2004) Coral Species Richness and Abundance of Northern Dominica. ITME Research Reports 21:3-9


Kerr J (2004) Coral diseases and coral bleaching along the north and west coasts of Dominica, West Indies. ITME Research Reports 21:10-19


Alfsnes K (2004) Diadema antillarum and its grazing effect of algal richness and cover in coral habitats of Dominica. ITME Research Reports 21:20-26


Miscellaneous Selected Press Releases 2003 - 2004


ITME (2004) ITME Students Explore Dominica's Northern Marine Habitats: ITME Release November 8, 2004 (under different title in The Chronicle Nov 26, 2004)


ITME (2003) ITME Becomes Member of AMLC The Chronicle, August 13, 2004


ITME (2003) Elevated sea temperatures is possible cause for coral reef bleaching in Dominica. ITME Release 10 Nov 2003 The Chronicle, November 21, 2003


ITME (2003) Tertiary Environmental Education made in Dominica. D-ECO#1 November 2003


Knuth JK (2003) Scleractinian monitoring in Dominica, West Indies: species richness, diversity and live cover. ITME Research Reports 12:3-10


McDonald KL (2003) The abundance of herbivorous and predatory fishes in relation to Diadema antillarum along the west coast of Dominica. ITME Research Reports 19:11-21


Borger JL, Steiner SCC (2005) The spatial and temporal dynamics of coral diseases in Dominica, West Indies. Bull Mar Sci 77(1):137-154 ITME Research Reports 18


Diamond A (2003) Identification and Assessment of Scleractinians at Tarou Point, Dominica, West Indies. Coastal Management, 31:409-421 ITME Research Reports 17


Borger JL (2003) Dark Spots Syndrome: A scleractinian coral disease or a general stress response? Coral Reefs 24(1): 139-144 ITME Research Reports 16


Steiner SCC, Williams SM (2006) The density and size distribution of Diadema antillarum in Dominica (Lesser Antilles):2001-2004. Mar Biol 149: 1071-1078 ITME Research Reports 15


Steiner SCC (2003) Stony corals and reefs of Dominica (Lesser Antilles). Atoll Res Bull 498. ITME Research Reports 14


Green D (2003) Dominica Reef Fish Status 2002: An assessment of the abundance and species composition of Dominican reef fishes. ITME Research Reports 13. pp 4, and Green D (2003) Appendix to No.13


Smith Q, McKinney J, Komoroske L, Pettersen L. (2002) Dominica coral reef status 2002: assessment of the sea urchin Diadema antillarum, reef fishes, and algae. ITME Research Reports 12(1-4)


Smith Q (2002) Abundance and test size of Diadema antillarum along the west coast of Dominica (Lesser Antilles) 2002. ITME Research Reports 12: 3-9


McKinney J (2002) Algal cover versus Diadema antillarum abundance along the west coast of Dominica, West Indies. ITME Research Reports 12: 10-14


Komoroske L (2002) Predatory and grazing fishes associated with Diadema antillarum in western Dominican coral reefs. ITME Research Reports 12:15-20


Pettersen K (2002) Fish and invertebrate predators of Diadema antillarum in Dominica. ITME Research Reports 12: 21- 25


Miscellaneous Press Releases 2002


a) ITME (2002) Coral reef health monitoring in Dominica. The Chronicle, November 22, 2002


b) ITME (2002) Scientists start aereobiological research. The Chronicle, May 10, 2002


c) ITME (2002) Coral disease research in Dominica. The Chronicle, April 12, 2002


Armstrong R, Detrés Y, Steiner S (2002) Effects of Sahara dust aerosols in the Tropical Western Atlantic (PDF file)


Miscellaneous Press Releases 2001


a) Lucas D, Lehman W, Diamond A, (2001) US students completing programme in coral reef research. The Chronicle, April 27, 2001


b) ITME (2001) ITME represented at scientific conference in Puerto Rico. The Chronicle, July 6, 2001


c) ITME (2001) ITME sponsors student from Petite Soufriere. The Chronicle, August 24, 2001


d) ITME (2001) ITME provides marine biodiversity list on the Internet. The Chronicle, October 2001


e) ITME (2001) ITME students monitor Dominica's coral reef status. The Chronicle, November 30, 2001


Williams SM, Mohan E, Willette DA, Lestrade N (2001) Dominica Coral Reef Status 2001: assessment of the sea urchin Diadema antillarum, reef fishes, algae and sponges. ITME Research Reports 9(1-4)


Williams SM (2001) Abundance and size distribution of Diadema antillarum along the west coast of Dominica, West Indies. ITME Research Reports 9:3-9


Mohan E (2001) Fish species composition and size class distribution of Dominica, West Indies. ITME Research Reports 9:10-18


Willette DA (2001) Algal cover versus grazing fish abundance of shallow and mid-depth coral reefs of Dominica, West Indies. ITME Research Reports 9:19-25


Lestrade N (2001) Common sponges and percent cover at four locations on the west coast of Dominica. ITME Research Reports 9:26-30


Borger JL (2003) Three scleractinian coral diseases in Dominica, West Indies: distribution, infection patterns and contribution to coral tissue mortality. Rev Biol Trop 52:23-28


N / A


Lucas D, Lehman W, Diamond A, (2001) The marine environment of Tarou Point, Commonwealth of Dominica. ITME Research Reports 6 (1-3)


Lucas D (2001) Reef fishes and distribution patterns at Tarou Point, Dominica, West Indies. ITME Research Reports 6: 5-12


Lehman W (2001) The benthic community at Tarou Point, Dominica: organism diversity and percent cover of sessile organisms, composition of substrate, abundance of Diadema antillarum. ITME Research Reports 6: 13-18


Diamond A (2001) Species richness and frequency distribution of Sclearctinia at Tarou Point, Dominica, West Indies. ITME Research Reports 6: 19-29


Steiner SCC (2003) Development and its effects on Dominica's stony corals. Koudmen 1:26-27


Steiner SCC (2000) Reef corals of Dominica - A limited resource. The Chronicle, December 1st 2001:24


Steiner SCC, Borger JL (2000) Coral assemblages of Dominica, West Indies: an introduction. Reef Encounter 28: 20-23


Steiner SCC (1999) Species presence and distribution of Scleractinia (Cnidaria: Anthozoa) from South Caicos, Turks and Caicos Islands. Bull Mar Sci 65: 861-872


Steiner SCC (1998) La ultraestructura de espermatozoides y su valor en la sistematica de Scleractinia (Cnidaria:Anthozoa). Rev Bio Trop 46 Supl 5: 127-135


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